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Form and Function to Public Space.
​We offer products that meet the budget of the developer or owner, the aesthetic demands of the design team, the delivery schedule of the contractor, while providing amenities that require as little maintenance as possible for the manager/caretakers of the project.
Avalon Amenities, Inc. wants to be your partner and resource. With over 30 years of experience working on public space projects, we realize that our customers have unique needs and face challenges with every job. Our experience has given us an appreciative understanding of the participants involved with the project and what each needs to accomplish their individual components of the job.
At the heart of Avalon Amenities, Inc. is the desire to join with specifiers and end users to create and enhance the aesthetics and functionality of open space.
The beauty of the product lines we represent lies in this simple fact…anywhere the eye can see, public space is undoubtedly enhanced by their presence.
Durability, aesthetics, materials and maintenance are a few of the factors that are considered when selecting the right site furnishings.
The manufacturers we work with are leading the industry in design and function. Our customers know that our portfolio of amenities is the highest quality on the market.
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